This page provides information regarding this website ( which applies to registered and guest visitors, (you). Please read these terms and conditions carefully before proceeding on this website.
You may only register with us if you have not previously registered before.
Upon registering, you consent to provide us with information about you including your email address.
We run internal anti-cheat software to ensure our community stays fair. If we detect unfair use of your account you will be banned without warning.
This includes but not limited too, creating multiple user accounts, using automatic software/bots, fake ticket creation, using multiple computers and/or devices, location-based spoofing and/or proxies.
The above rules apply to referrals made to this website from other users.
Content and links to this website made by others cannot and will not be the responsibility of us.
These terms may change at any point without notice. Please check back to this page regularly to ensure you accept this policy.
Payments to winners are paid via PayPal, in GDP. We reserve the right to not pay winners which is at our discretion.
If your emoji ticket matches the system's for that given day, you have 24 hours to claim your winnings. Failure to do so after this time, your winnings cannot be paid out to you. We cannot be held responsible for any reason to which you failed to claim your winnings, under any circumstances, including website downtime.
Taking part in the lottery does not and will not guarantee that you will win. The term and concept of a "lottery" is a for entertainment purposes.
The winner is chosen at random by the system and some draws there may not be any matching winners.
You must check the website the day of your ticket draw to see if you have won. Past results cannot be back rewarded.
Taking part is free and you will not be required to pay for a ticket.
The emojis you use on your device are provided by and owned by the non-profit Unicode Consortium.
This website is a free service. If you paid someone else or another company, please ask for a full refund.
Lucky Emoji will never ask for your password, any financial details or request money from you in order to play.
Content, links and other media should only be consumed by official Lucky Emoji channels. Other forms may be fake and should not be used.
This website is the only offical place to play Lucky Emoji's daily draw.
One ticket per person, per day.
One player per day, per household.
You must enable cookies in order to be accepted into the draw.
Please review our privacy policy regarding cooking acceptance.
The ticket you receive cannot be changed once drawn and has no cash value.
Tickets cannot be transferred to other users.
The probability of winning has been pre-defined by the system.
By participating in a draw, you agree to the terms in this document.
You must be aged 18 or older to partake in our draw.
If two or more users have matching winning tickets in the same draw, the prize money is divided equally between those users.
By creating an account you agree to opt into email communications from us, unless you select, "no" to marketing communications in your profile settings. You can unsubscribe at any time.
We may pause, stop, adjust, or cancel the draw(s) at any time without warning.
This website may earn a small commission from any qualifying purchase you make on third-party websites. Purchasing is not required to partake in daily draws.
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. We are not endorsed by Inc, or its affiliates.
From time to time this website may show you adverts, of which may be tailored to you. Please refer to our privacy policy.
You may link to the website, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal.
We have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity and is for personal and private use.